As we move forward in life, there will be moments when we yearn to go back. You have probably noticed the spike in 90s trends, store after store putting baggy jeans and butterfly clips on full display. Older people you talk to always bring up their past, eager to go back in time to their old neighborhoods… It is natural to crave those times in your life when you felt most at peace, and on Caroline Romano’s “Mississippi Air,” her peace arises when she thinks about home, surrounded by old memories.
Caroline gives us another cool jam in the form of “Mississippi Air,” following the release of “Guts” last month. On this single, Caroline captures the feeling of being back home in Mississippi, where she can get lost in the places she used to go. Amongst the electric guitar melodies and the push-and-pull of the indie pop production, Caroline sings through wistful vocals, “I drive home sometimes just to feel like that, just to bring me back.” You can listen below.
About “Mississippi Air,” Caroline explains,
“‘Mississippi Air’ is really just a longing for something, or a feeling, that once was. It’s driving past a blur of trees spinning into a film reel, playing a movie of something you used to know, and briefly, you are able to breathe. You’re able to know the love you once had without the pain associated with it. I think we all have those moments as we drive through familiar grounds that take us back to when something you’ve lost wasn’t lost at all. It is a deep surrounding type of breath you take in those moments. That’s ‘Mississippi Air’ – lavender bikinis, button downs, silver trucks, pools, and Harry Styles songs.”
You can listen to “Mississippi Air” on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music.
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