Caroline Romano spills her “Guts” on latest single


Turning the temperature from cold to all-out frigid last month, Caroline Romano and Julian Rose hit us with the icy “Fighting a War.” The single focused on the emotional moment when two partners realize their relationship is changing for the worse, prompting a split. Julian and Caroline played both sides of this situation, showcasing their remarkable songwriting skills and magnificent abilities as artists. While it is clear that Caroline has what it takes to make a solid collaboration, she may be the first to admit that social situations aren’t exactly her thing…

On her new single “Guts,” Caroline confronts her social anxiety. Pairing restless lyrics with cool guitar and busy percussion, she creates an invigorating indie rock jam that lives up to her reputation as the unofficial spokesperson for young people in the modern age. Observantly, she sings, “When I get nervous, I tend to overshare / And now I’m nauseous, and you don’t seem to care,” the tension starting to build. She lets it all out in the choruses, where she claims that her guts are literally on the floor in front of the person she is talking to. We feel her embarrassment as she bashfully coos, “I guess I’ll clean them up.” You can check it out below.

Giving us more details about “Guts,” Caroline explains,

“I’ve always had this thing in social settings – especially at house parties, bars, or really anywhere with pretty strangers – where I feel like people can see right through me, like I’m completely transparent. So, in some terrible attempt at compensation, I’ll say too much or drink too much. I end up spilling my guts to people as a form of free therapy or self-sabotage, I’m not sure which it is. And then I watch them watch me dig myself further, with my guts on the floor in front of them. That’s how I end things before they’ve even started, and that’s what this song is about. It’s frantic and eager and frustrated all at the same time.”

You can listen to “Guts” on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music.

Keep up with Caroline Romano: Instagram // Twitter // Facebook // TikTok // YouTube // Website

Christine Sloman
Christine Sloman
Writer for Melodic Mag since 2018. Music lover since always.

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