Shuba is done playing games on “Hot Girls”


When Shuba asked us to “Come Here” in February, we gladly made our way over. The genre-bending artist hit us with a dynamic pop-meets-Bollywood production, showcasing her unique style and sound. Lyrically, “Come Here” focused on a complicated relationship that is filled with constant desire, even when everything else about it seems wrong. On Shuba’s latest single, she expands on the notion of finding that perfect someone, hoping it will lead to true love.

On “Hot Girls,” Shuba chooses not to settle for yet another “pretty boy.” She is out here looking for a man instead of a boy, knowing that a boyish charm is deceiving. She tells us, “My heart wants pretty boys / Damn those shitty boys straight to hell” and “These boys might love you, but they never wanna be official,” holding out for something true. While she raps and sings about these boys, the track gives us skittering beats, mellow guitar, and a moody ambience that is classic Shuba. You can check it out below.

About “Hot Girls,” Shuba recently told Sweety High,

‘Hot Girlsis a reminder to me to really be careful about the kind of boys I let into my life. I think a lot of times, we get so blinded by someones looks that we cant tell if were actually into them as a person or if we just think theyre hot. Through my breakup, I realized that I need to pay attention to the actual qualities someone has as opposed to how pretty they are or how pretty other people think they are.”

You can listen to “Hot Girls” on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music.

Keep up with Shuba:  Instagram // Twitter // Facebook // TikTok // YouTube // Website

Christine Sloman
Christine Sloman
Writer for Melodic Mag since 2018. Music lover since always.

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