We enter the season of sticks and weather-warranting sweaters, accompanied by soundtracks that only the ten-minute “All Too Well (Taylor’s Version)” and Phoebe’s “Punisher” can give. A song deeply rooted in fall and folk is “Helium” by singer-songwriter Teghan Devon. Woodsy and well-produced, the new single evokes a melancholy feeling with an equally somber narrative.
“Helium” allows Devon’s impressive vocals to shine, the main instruments being only two guitars and a snare. She makes comparisons to her loneliness, explaining she often hangs out with the moon to combat this. “I will let you know before I go” is the hook into the chorus. In the second verse, Devon reveals her intention to leave without saying goodbye – not that the person on the receiving end would likely be paying attention anyway.
The chorus repeats itself once again, before the bridge. More instruments are introduced in the bridge, including a tambourine and more percussion to intensify the message. There is a struggle to put these complicated feelings into words, though there are feeble attempts of putting “feelings in boxes,” building walls, but nothing can resolve them fully. Right before the last chorus reprise, there is a brief pause before a lyric change, signifying the passing of time and feelings. The change goes from “You’ll probably be disappointed in me // I’m not sorry, I can’t keep saying so” to “You’ll probably say I’m running away // It’s not fair, I don’t care anymore”. There is a deep catharsis in Devon’s voice. She is vulnerable when she sings and ultimately lets go of something no longer serving her.
Teghan Devon released a couple of singles last year, including “V.I.P.” and “Our Garden”, both songs available to stream on Spotify.