Eddie Daes reminds us he is no stranger to the feeling of breaking. In fact, with his new single “This Is How I Break”, he tells us exactly how it’s done.
“I often find myself observing my life from a bird’s eye view. I was sleeping on my friend’s couch and I remember feeling almost manic at one point given how unstable my lifestyle was at the time. I felt like I was having a breakdown every other day, and somehow healing from them,” he shares.
The song begins with an echoey, melancholy guitar. The bass drum kicks in as the title of the song is sung twice. Daes sings about a past relationship connection, wondering what they remember about him – if they do at all. Daes admits in the third verse “I know that we can’t talk so I just sing it in falsettos” before a rap ensues. The song’s many verses and added and subtracted instrumentals indicate segments in the song. These choices, such as tempo changes, pausing, and taking away the backbeat are a contrast to the reverb electric guitar that remains constant throughout the entire track.
The “break” Daes refers to is ambiguous. It leaves the meaning up to the listener’s interpretation where a break can be referred to as a break-up, a break-through, heartbreak, etc. Daes shares, “The brightness of the song inspired me to play with this duality, like, ‘This is me breaking down, but can’t you see, it’s my path to break through as well?’”
Daes releases “This Is How I Break” under the brand Location Not Found, a new dark and edgy addition to the ever-growing Asian music scene. The brand represents itself as being raw and unfiltered, allowing Daes’ raw and unfiltered style of music to truly shine through.