Samanta Liza talks debut album Days of E.N.D.


Brooklyn-based musician and producer Samanta Liza released her debut album Days Of E.N.D. on July 8th. Standing for days of extremely nonsensical drama, Days of E.N.D. is a pop and electronica melting pot spanning from alternative to indie and dance to techno. Born in Hawaii, Samanta is a global citizen having lived in London, Sweden, Kuwait, Qatar, and Shanghai. These experiences can be heard across the album, as Days of E.N.D. is a culmination of journal entries, random thoughts, and deep reflections of relationships. Samanta gave us a track-by-track breakdown of the album which can also be checked out below.

1.) “Some People Do Nothing”
In 1995, my mother connected with astrologist Ted Gormic, for a detailed reading of my natal chart. In this reading, Ted spoke of my energy, and what he believed I would be like based on the chart. He spoke of my inability to sit around and do nothing, which is painstakingly accurate. I am currently working two jobs – a full-time job as a researcher during the day and a full-time job as a musician at night. My mother shared the recording of Ted’s reading with me earlier this year, which is what inspired the record “Some People Do Nothing”. While some people do nothing, that’s not something that resonates with me. When there’s potential to do so much on this earth, why sit around and do nothing? There’s nothing better than experiencing every moment, truthfully and wholly.

2.) “Why Do You Love Me?”
I wrote WDYLM at 2am from my bed, reflecting on my most recent breakup. Overwhelmed by passion, a hot and all-consuming fling turned very serious (or so I thought) very quickly. In that same vein, things ended just as abruptly. I was confused: Did he ever really love me? Forget it. WDYLM is the perfect summary of that feeling you get when you reflect on a relationship that felt like it was just one long, trippy hallucination. Even though you know it was real. Listeners of both pop and electronic music will enjoy this one.

3.) “We Are Not Friends”
“We Are Not Friends” highlights that moment when we realize what it means to let go of someone. It describes the journey of the push and pulls of transitioning from lovers to friends despite feeling a connection that doesn’t fit traditional relationships. We’re not friends, we’re much more than that. You are more than a lover, an ex, and a friend.

4.) “I Don’t Regret You”
“I Don’t Regret You” is a reflection on a past relationship that turned out to be paradoxically superficial and significant.  I realized that there is no reason to regret because the relationship had its own meaning in of itself and served a purpose. It was a learning experience, and that is not something I’d ever regret. “I Don’t Regret You” also has a secondary theme which is that of trusting your instincts – both with someone else and yourself.

5.) “Daydreaming”
“Daydreaming” is about a girl who feels like she needs to be alone and is learning to let go of a past relationship, but lets herself daydream about a sweeter time in her life. Daydreaming about a time that no longer exists. That moment when she felt like one with that person who she thought was the one. Occupied by sadness yet feeling serendipitous, she wanders into her own mind. “Daydreaming” is sad but peaceful because sadness doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

6.) “We Are One”
“We Are One” was inspired by a woman who I first met in Mexico, and later spent more time with in Colombia. As I got to know her, I admired her creativity and how authentically herself she came across in many ways. In some ways though I could sense her pain and sorrow. Something seemed to hold her back despite her talent, beauty and kindness. Maybe it was a sadness attributed to a person. A relationship. Maybe it wasn’t. Regardless, the energy she emitted inspired me to write “We Are One,” and it’s one of my favorite tracks.

7.) “I Wanna Be Free”
The sound of this track is a nod to my love for RHCP and Arctic Monkeys. “I Wanna Be Free” is about the kind of relationship you have with someone who you were obsessed with but who you no longer want to feel attached to or involved with. It’s a yearning for an end and a new beginning.

8.) “Let Me Grow”
“Let Me Grow” was inspired by a man who was talking to me about this feeling that sometimes overcomes him: that feeling of this monster who lives inside of you. The voice of irrationality. To the outside world, things seem great – and they are great. But sometimes you just feel sad. Like you want to curl up in a ball and disappear because of these voices in your head. And we don’t really know why.

9.) “Threads”
“Threads” tells the story of an empath who is lost in the emotions of another person. So connected to another, it’s hard for her to identify herself. Until one day she sees the delicate thread that pulls her and she sets herself free.

10.) “Sweet Lies”
“Sweet Lies” was inspired by a character who continuously lies to get what they want. In doing so they realize that they can’t keep on lying, which ends up hurting both them and their partner because the reality they created will vanish for both of them. The void is both a paradise and a dark place. A dream and a nightmare.

11.) “I Don’t Wanna”
“I Don’t Wanna” was inspired by the desire to let loose and have fun. To not have to think about that person who caused you so much trauma and despair. Taking you on a journey, the progression of the music invites you to let go and release. It draws you in and encourages you to let go of your surroundings and let loose.

You can listen to Days of E.N.D. on platforms like Apple Music, Soundcloud, and Spotify.
Keep Up With Samanta Liza: Instagram // Facebook // Twitter // TikTok

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