Peach Cooler brings the funk in “When I Was”


Peach Cooler is a 4-piece group from San Diego, California. Their sound brings in a vintage, soul-inspired touch to contemporary indie-rock/pop. They have a perfect sonic blend of everything that makes up a beachy, feel-good song. Fuzzy guitars, funky bass, electric drum fills, passionate vocals, what more could you ask for? You may recognize their name from our previous review of “Money Mouth“.

“When I Was” is the latest single from Peach Cooler. The lyrics are reminiscent and comically introspective, with the chorus playing off of the band name as you hear “I never practice what I preach, ain’t that some sh*t yeah, I only acted liked a peach when I was with him.” This track adds funk elements as it goes along, complete with a groovy slap bass outro that accompanies a warm electric guitar riff. If you like bands such as Lawrence, Couch, and Melt, we highly recommend checking out the rest of Peach Cooler’s discography.

Keep up with Peach Cooler: Spotify // Instagram // YouTube // Website

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