INTERVIEW: The Voice Finalists Billy Gilman Talks To Us About New Music


Runner-up of The Voice 2016 and young country star Billy Gilman is making a return back to the music scene with a new twist to his music. Initially starting out when he was only nine in the country side of the music scene, the singer-songwriter is getting ready to release his first album as an older, more mature artist but this time the music will be what Billy has wanted to make his whole life. As he told us, “I’m finally being me.” At his New York album release party, I got the chance to sit down and talk with Billy about the new direction he is going in and then got to hear some of the new songs for myself. With a in at IHeart Radio in the coming weeks, Billy is on the road for success and I can’t wait for you guys to hear what he has in store for fans. Check out what he had to say below and stay posted for album review + photos from the release party.

Melodic Magazine: Thank you for taking the time to talk with our magazine about what you have in store in the near future. We are very excited to hear some of your original stuff which is to be released soon. To start, can you tell us about how you got into music?
Billy Gilman: I literally have no memory of not singing, I started that young. 18 months or something like that. I guess it chose me

MM: Can you tell us a little bit about your music career early as it’s very different from where you are now.
BG: Yea its pretty crazy to think I was 12 when things started rolling. Its very different because I’m finally being me. Not being told. When you can finally see clearly its kind of amazing

MM: As you got older, you fell away from country, can you tell us about that transition period?
BG: It was a very very dark period. I was so lost. Plus my voice was so held back. I couldn’t find the path that this voice needed to go down at the time. Very emotional time.

MM: Tell us a little bit about your journey on The Voice, how did that come about?
BG: They had asked if I would audition for a few seasons and I would always say no. I don’t want to do a reality show. Then I said, why not. This could THE best opportunity to just do what I wanted so badly to do which was simply let  my voice soar. Sing the songs I wanted so badly the world to hear my take on.

MM: So here you are today which is very different from where you started. Tell us about Billy Gilman today.
BG: Well finally its just Billy. No ideas or gimmicks. With being able to write whats inside of me and create what vision I have really has ignited such a confidence that I never ever once felt. I always felt so insecure, not good enough, just bad feelings. Not so much anymore. That really helps and changes everything. When you finally feel good and good enough.

MM: Do you plan on incorporating some of your old roots into the new music?
BG: Maybe over time but where my head is at, the roots are there but won’t be heard in new creations. Of course I will still sing the songs that got me to this point. I will always honor what was

MM: I know you have a couple singles out, what can we expect from Billy in the coming months?
BG: New songs, New videos, a very exciting Billy Gilman iHeart DJ channel that will be debuting some of the new songs. Excited xs 1,000!!

MM: For these new songs, was there any musical influences who you tried to emulate in your songs?
BG: I listen to everything. There is so much amazing stuff out there. The songs come from my soul but I’m sure a little Panic at The Disco…or Celine Dion come out here and there 😉

MM: What song are you most excited for fans to hear from your newest releases and why?
BG: Good Life is one…but Soldier is so true to me. Everyone who needs/wants there voice to be heard for whatever reason (Bullied individuals, LGBTQ+ people, ignored people, etc etc) will identify with this song.

MM: Thank you again for taking the time to answer our questions. Finally, if you had to describe your music to someone who has never heard of Billy Gilman before, how would you describe your new music?
BG: Thanks for the cool questions. I’d say luckily my music inspires. The feedback I get from so many is “Thank you. You have inspired me to never give up.” That is pretty damn cool if you ask me. xx

Follow Billy on Social Media: INSTAGRAM // WEBSITE // FACEBOOK


  1. I love Billy Gilman and his songs. He is the best like his boyfriend Chris.
    Billy can’t wait for new songs.
    Can you sing one voice and say you will those to music i like.

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