Every Monday, we bring you a playlist filled with tracks the Melodic staff has been listening to on repeat. Hear some of our latest obsessions below:
Mae Krell – “This Place” “this place” opens with a gentle acoustic guitar before Krell’s soft vocals come in, describing how it feels to have grown up in NYC. She’s joined by a slow piano as the song progresses into the chorus, which ends with the hard-hitting lyric “I’ll spend forever trying to love this place”.
– Brittany Muldoon
SHY FRiEND – “Sick Of It” A high energy track that blends pop, punk and grunge elements, crafting an electrifying breakup anthem. In the most candid words, SHY FRiEND lets all her frustrations out against her partner’s questionable actions. The story told is so relatable it can be adapted to any situation, allowing the listener to rage along and knowing full well who they are sick of.
– Maria Mata
Analog Dog – “In Love With A Fool” The groovy tune has catchy melodies, all the best elements from 80’s synth, and notes of Mario Kart’s Rainbow Road. One listen should get you on your feet, and 2-3 listens will have you twirling around. Put this track on repeat at your own risk and watch out for those holiday decorations when you’re in full dance break mode.
– Cass Flower
Caroline Romano – “Tell Her I Say Hi” A spiteful and witty anthem, “Tell Her I Said Hi” gives Caroline the final say in a breakup. Her remarkable storytelling skills come through in the run-on lyrics, the details hitting us faster than we can fully process what is happening. With an edgy alt-rock attitude that we have heard her adopt in previous releases, she takes note of the sketchy behavior she witnessed before, during, and after the break.
– Christine Sloman
Hear the rest of our staff picks on the playlist!