Georgia Parker lets her true feelings out on newest single


Georgia Parker
’s newest single “F*ck It, He Makes Me Nervous” is the perfect soundtrack to a coming-of-age movie, ripe with cynicism and 90’s-esque ambience. The whimsical, plucky instrumental opening is reminiscent of Taylor Swift’s “Love Story,” drawing back to softer moments. Then, the percussion cuts in with a contemporary twist and Parker’s vocals come through with relatable angst and a melancholy you can’t quite place.

The quirky inclinations — from the mix-matched instrumentals to the pseudo-standoffish attitude—make the song all that more interesting. It doesn’t follow the typical “pop hit” pattern, and it doesn’t need it. Background choir notes are unexpected, but somehow they work. Song structure deviates from expectation, but that’s what keeps you listening, waiting to hear where it leads. Parker pulls all the frayed threads together with a unique, honest approach; who knew that aloof vulnerability could be so catchy?

Listen to “F*ck It, He Makes Me Nervous” below:

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