Animals In Denial’s New Album Release ‘Tickets to Dreamland’ Re-defines Sound with AI


Step into a mesmerizing sounds experience with Animals In Denial and their latest album, “Crash Course Vol. 2: Tickets to Dreamland.

Distinguished by its innovative mixing techniques inspired by renowned producers like Alan Moulder, Flood, and Butch Vig, each track on “Tickets to Dreamland” balances intensity with subtler notes.

The album is inspired by the innovation and mystery of Area 51, with the raw energy of alternative rock.

Whether it’s the dynamic shifts of “Inside of Me” and “No Enemy” or the mellow blend of alternative rock and electronica in “Chariot Ride,” the album captures attention with its diverse textures and volumes.


“The name of this volume, “Tickets to Dreamland” comes from an Area 51 reference, and it  honestly just spoke to me and exuded the vibe of new tech new ideas new perspectives  infusing new life and bringing the sound that was in my head into the world, how it sounded  to me in my head. Basically, this is what I meant to release the first time. To me the  recording studio was always my version of Dreamland, where the impossible was possible.  Being able to put up every layer and nuance to the sound was a dream that only in the  studio could be realized. Don’t get me wrong, I love playing live, and love being on stage,  but the studio is where you do things for keeps. Where you capture a moment in time that  will live on and can be put on repeat on demand when you command.” 

What truly sets this album apart is its integration of AI technology into the production process, a bold move spearheaded by the multi-talented Christian Imes:

“I can’t stress enough how much of an effect the Ai and additional computer power did the  job and is really the star of this particular show! I knew the stuff could’ve been more  polished and I really thought initially the AI thing was going to be a gimmick, so I first only  applied it to copies of mixes. This is after I had gone through and mixed and used a bunch  of plugins and then I set up the copy of the mix without any of my plugin choices and let the  AI start from a base level. The end result and the experience has altered my process  permanently and I can’t ever imagine how we got along without this thing. To solo  operations like mine it was not only liberating but empowering. I look forward to the future  of making records. It’s a super enabler and I am all for it and will probably never stop  making records as it’s made the process of finishing a lot more fun. Sometimes production  can be frustrating as you’re chasing vibes as much as sounds. This makes the chase  faster, and it feels more fluid.” 

By embracing new tools and techniques, Imes has crafted a collection of songs that exude both polish and raw emotion.

Imes himself describes the album’s title, “Tickets to Dreamland,” as a nod to the limitless possibilities of the recording studio — a realm where the impossible becomes achievable.

His dedication to creating music shines through months of meticulous planning and production tweaks, with AI emerging as a pivotal element in the creative process.

Recorded in his personal home studio with the unwavering support of his wife Jeanine, Imes’s artistic vision permeates every note of “Crash Course Vol. 2: Tickets to Dreamland.” This album invites listeners on a captivating journey through sound and emotion.

Experience the brand new “Crash Course Volume 2: Tickets to Dreamland” now!

Listen to Animals On Denial on Spotify.

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