Nonpoint celebrate two anniversaries with Painful Statements tour


On January 15th, Nonpoint delivered an unforgettable performance as they headlined their tour Painful Statements tour at Barrelhouse Ballroom in Chattanooga TN, , with special guests Heart Sick and Crobot. 2025 celebrated two monumental anniversaries for the band as they celebrated20th anniversary of their iconic album To the Pain and the 25th anniversary Statement.

As they took the stage, the crowd erupted. Playing songs like “Bullet with a Name,” one of their many well known songs, the band instantly connected with the crowd. The song’s heavy riffs and infectious hooks had fans moshing, singing, and headbanging in unison. The powerful vocals of frontman Elias Soriano rang out over the crowd, commanding attention and fueling the energy that only grew throughout the night.

The band didn’t miss a beat, diving into classic tracks like “What a Day”, with fans screaming every word, making it clear that the connection between Nonpoint and their audience is as strong as ever. The heavy guitars, pounding drums, and explosive energy from the stage created a perfect storm of sound.

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