The Atlanta-based ensemble known as Wabi Sabi has recently unveiled their fourth album, The Love Insane, employing a unique approach distinct from their usual modus operandi. Renowned for their electrifying live performances and vibrant jazz-rock fusion, the band thrives on the collaborative energy of ensemble work. However, according to Damian Cartier, the band’s vocalist, producer, and leader, the challenges posed by COVID-19 necessitated a departure from their traditional methods.
“This is the first album where I’ve taken on the role of producer,” explains Cartier. “When COVID hit, I found myself working on a couple of singles and experimenting with programming various songs, both old and new, that had never been formally recorded. Eventually, I replaced these programmed parts with contributions from the talented musicians of Wabi Sabi. It was a novel approach for us, but given the circumstances and the convenience of having a home studio setup, it felt like the perfect time to explore new creative avenues.”
Having honed a successful formula over nearly 25 years and across four albums, including a live double album, Wabi Sabi encountered the challenge, like many other musicians, of assembling an album in a piecemeal fashion, devoid of the usual synergy from in-person collaboration. However, Cartier views this shift as an opportunity for growth, with each member acquiring new skills and perspectives in the process.
“Our last album was a live double album, so ‘The Love Insane’ presented a significant departure in terms of its production process,” reflects Cartier. “Yet, despite the unconventional method, fans of our signature funky, slightly spacey vibe will find continuity between ‘The Love Insane’ and our earlier studio albums. The psychedelic jazz jam band persona of Wabi Sabi endures, thanks in part to my hands-on approach to production, although it remains a collaborative effort as always.”
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