Singer-songwriter Avery Lynch today shares her new single “i’m sorry if i hurt u sometimes.” Produced by Steve Rusch (Clinton Kane, Solange, Pete McPoland), the song is another achingly tender composition made for hopeless romantics and bleeding hearts. “i’m sorry if i hurt u sometimes” opens with a solitary piano intro before transforming into a veritable sad girl anthem propelled by a four-on-the-floor beat. Here, Avery wrestles with the realization that a long-term relationship isn’t what she thought and is on the verge of letting go.
Hi! Appreciate you taking the time to chat. Would you mind sharing a bit about your latest single,“i’m sorry if i hurt u sometimes”?
Avery: This is a song about being in a relationship that you’re falling out of love with that person and you want it to end. It’s an apology to that person for hurting them in the process of figuring that out and taking the future away that they thought they had with you. It’s really an apology for being the one who ended the relationship.
Your latest single “Love Of My Life” is about falling in love and “i’m sorry if i hurt u sometimes” is about realizing the relationship is not what you want anymore, where you planning to release your new single as a continuity of it ?
Avery: They were not really meant to go together, it ended up like that with the timing. “Love Of My Life” is a song I wrote over a year ago, I just loved it and I wrote “i’m sorry if i hurt u sometimes” more recently, around December, and it was more of a reflection on my past. They kind of go together, because it’s all my life, but it’s different stages crossing over.
The first time I listened to your music I immediately thought of Holly Humberstone, do you get inspired by other artists’ music when you write?
Avery: Yes I do! I actually love Holly Humberstone. She showed me that I can do music in the mid-tempo area. It’s not just like ballads or upbeat songs. She is a huge inspiration for this new song.
Are there any artists you would like to collaborate with in the future?
Avery: I don’t have anyone in particular in mind at the moment. I had the chance to work with artists that I really love and I wouldn’t change any of it. I’m excited about the future and what’s to come.
What can we expect in the future from you? Are you planning to go on tour?
Avery: We are looking to do a support tour soon. We don’t know the timing yet, but it is the next step. We are also working on an EP right now, which is already done. We are in the rollout period of it so that’s what next and then the support tour.
If you could choose any artist to go on tour with, who would it be?
Avery: Probably Sara Bareilles! She’s my idol so if one day I could open for her, it would be life changing. I love so many artist though I would be happy with anyone. If I could open for her that would be it, I would quit right here, I’d be done. I would not have anything else to achieve.
Lastly, what is a message you hope fans who listen to your music take away from it?
Avery: The situations I’ve been writing about have been experienced by so many people, including myself. I try to write about concepts that aren’t as typical as I dive deeper into the situations that I’ve gone through or I’m going through to give other people an outlet, which is my own outlet too to talk about those things. I just hope that people are able to connect with it in a way that actually helps them and feel heard.
Thank you it was great talking to you!
Avery: It was great talking to you too! Thank you so much!
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