French producer, Gesaffelstein, brought the 2nd to last night of his Requiem Tour to The Anthem in Washington, D.C. He emerged from his towering vantablack panels and slowly walked to stand in the center of his metallic tables, where he stayed for the rest of his set. His metallic mask and clothes glittered in the intense strobe lights. Videos of Gesaffelstein’s set in no way compare to the live immersive experience, as the combination of the vantablack, strobing lights, and lasers is both visually confusing and captivating. Despite his most recent releases being his 2019 EP, Novo Sonic System, and album, Hyperion, Gesaffelstein played tracks from all corners of his discography including “Aleph,” “Opr,” and his track with The Weeknd, “Lost in the Fire.” The crowd danced all night as each song smoothly transitioned into the next. Check out the live photos below.
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